Global Family Bank
75 E 3rd Street
WY - 82801
United States of America
We have developed one of the safest anchors which even weathers the hardest and most unstable times. QUANTEK will give your family the peace of mind.
We will provide you access to one of the most advanced software tools to manage your assets and consistently grow your wealth.
By providing all necessary informations about investment products and markets we support your Family Office in their decision making process.
Membership is available by request or through a reference of another member only. The minimum investment volume to start with is 10 Mio. US$ or the equivalent in another accepted currency or assets like crypto or gold.
We offer all our members a fixed saving account with a minimum run time of one year (can be prolonged on request) with an outstanding return which is secured against loss. More details are available on request.
75 E 3rd Street
WY - 82801
United States of America
Landstr. 123
FL - 9495 Triesen
Principality of Liechtenstein
+423 3990264
[email protected]